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American Paddlefish Caviar 7 oz

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Product Name
American Paddlefish Caviar 7 oz
Product Description

American Paddlefish is considered as a cousin to the Caspian Sevruga. Its caviar is comparable in taste, color and size to that of Caspian Sevruga caviar. The color of Paddlefish caviar ranges from light to dark steel gray with a rich silky smooth and complex flavor. Paddlefish is from the Mississippi River. Paddlefish caviar has medium-sized grains with dark to light gray colored eggs, and is derived from the Polyodon Spathula fish, which is not a sturgeon species. Paddlefish is considered a cousin to the Caspian Sevruga, since it is comparable in taste, color and size to that of Caspian Sevruga caviar. Paddlefish is wildly popular among chefs and epicureans, and is typically served on canapes or blinis with creme fraiche, or even as a garnish. Fun Fact: Fossil records of Paddlefish date back over 300 million years – nearly 50 million years before dinosaurs first appeared.

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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