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Lifetime 28 Quart New High Performance Polyethylene Cooler Gray (91183)

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Product Name
Lifetime 28 Quart New High Performance Polyethylene Cooler Gray (91183)
Product Description

The Lifetime New High Performance Polyethylene Cooler is the ideal choice for campers hunters and adventurers. This cooler was designed as a reliable place to store food and water that you want to keep cool during short trips outdoors. With up to 5 days of ice retention and a strong durable build its performance exceeds most premium priced coolers. The insulated lid and body provide protection and ice retention while remaining light enough for easy transportation. The 28-Quart Cooler offers plenty of space for multiple days out in the wilderness. With the excellent performance and top quality design the Lifetime Cooler is the perfect option to take with you on your next trip.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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