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Barbell Exercise Cards by Strength Stack 52. Weight Lifting Playing Card Game. Video Instructions Included. Bodybuilding Resistance Training and Crossfit Workouts. Home Gym Fitness Program.

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Barbell Exercise Cards by Strength Stack 52. Weight Lifting Playing Card Game. Video Instructions Included. Bodybuilding Resistance Training and Crossfit Workouts. Home Gym Fitness Program.
Product Description

You want to start lifting weights or maybe you re looking for something new to spice up your boring weight lifting routine. We designed Barbell Stack 52 for you. We picked 52 of the most effective barbell exercises and put them on playing cards. Shuffle the deck and deal yourself a workout or play a game like Fit Poker or BS with your friends and have the time of your life getting in the best shape of your life! ? Fit Poker: Players bet and perform exercises instead of chips! BS: Get caught lying and you do the exercises on the cards you pick up! About Stack 52 and Sergeant Volkin Stack 52 makes exercise fun and easy so more people will experience the incredible benefits of fitness! Sergeant Volkin has a master s degree in science has authored 5 books and has over 20 years of fitness experience. The US Army awarded Sergeant Volkin the Army Commendation Medal for the fitness programs he designed for the troops. Stack 52 games have been sold in over 24 countries. What s in the Box: Barbell Stack 52 contains 55 cards. There are 8 different colors with each color representing the dominate muscle group worked: ? 13 Leg exercises (yellow) ? 10 Arm exercises (orange) ? 4 Chest exercises (green) ? 5 Shoulder exercises (purple) ? 3 Back exercises (pink) ? 3 Abdominal/Core exercises (red) ? 11 Explosive Olympic exercises (blue) ? 3 Full body compound exercises (brown) ? 2 Instructional Cards Required Equipment (Not Included) A barbell with weight plates A weight bench with squat rack

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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