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Big Dot of Happiness You Got Served - Tennis - Baby Shower or Tennis Ball Birthday Party Game Pickle Cards - Pull Tabs 3-in-a-Row - Set of 12

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Product Name
Big Dot of Happiness You Got Served - Tennis - Baby Shower or Tennis Ball Birthday Party Game Pickle Cards - Pull Tabs 3-in-a-Row - Set of 12
Product Description

Bring some excitement to your Baby Shower or Birthday Party when you pass out the fun You Got Served - Tennis Pull Tabs 3-in-a-Row. Eye-catching and ready to play each set comes with one winning card along with instructions on the back of each card. Simply hand out one game card to each guest and have them pull back all three tabs along the perforated lines. Whoever gets three matching icons in a row is declared the winner! These You Got Served - Tennis 3-in-a-Row game cards are made of sturdy cardstock paper and so easy to use that both children and adults can join in on the entertainment. Use it in place of a raffle drawing or as a quick ice breaker! Make it extra fun by offering a grand prize! The You Got Served - Tennis Pull Tabs 3-in-a-Row is a unique activity that will surely be a hit at your Baby Shower or Birthday Party and have your guests crossing their fingers for some good luck.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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