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Bluey Scooter Fun Child Vehicle Playsets Multicolor 5

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Product Name
Bluey Scooter Fun Child Vehicle Playsets Multicolor 5
Product Description

Bluey is a loveable six-year-old Blue Heeler dog who loves to turn everyday family life into endless playful adventures. Bring the fun and imaginative play of Bluey home with the Bluey & Bingo Scooter Fun accessory pack. Includes one Bluey figure one Bingo figure two helmets and two scooters. It s time to ride! Safety first - put their helmets on then place Bluey and Bingo onto their scooters. Push their feet onto the pegs on the scooter s deck and they will stay on as they ride. The scooters have free-rolling wheels so they can be pushed along. These figures have moving arms and body so children can pose them. Children will love to recreate some of the most memorable moments from the show with these adorable toys!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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