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Duracell 1.5V Coppertop Alkaline AA Batteries 4 Pack

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Product Name
Duracell 1.5V Coppertop Alkaline AA Batteries 4 Pack
Product Description

At Duracell we provide trusted power to those who depend on us to keep their lives charged. Duracell Coppertop Alkaline batteries are crafted and infused with triple corrosion protection for battery power you can count on. This 4-pack of high performance 1.5-volt batteries will last in storage for up to 10 years so you can rest assured that they will be ready when you need them. Duracell AA batteries provide long-lasting power to your everyday household devices such as toys remote controls flashlights calculators clocks and radios portable electronics wireless mice keyboards and more. Duracell is the #1 trusted battery brand and we re proud to offer you Duracell 1.5-Volt Coppertop Alkaline AA batteries as part of Duracell s trusted lineup of batteries.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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