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GED Test Prep 2023 / 2024 for Dummies with Online Practice (Paperback)

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GED Test Prep 2023 / 2024 for Dummies with Online Practice (Paperback)
Product Description

Your secret weapon to succeeding on the GED test the first time around Congratulations on committing to your education! You ve studied hard and made it a long way. All that stands in your way now is the GED test. We know you can do it. You know you can do it. It s just a matter of studying hard studying smart and getting in the right mindset to conquer the test once and for all. In GED Test 2023/2024 For Dummies you ll find all the content review and practice you need to perfect your grammar and punctuation take the fear out of math and science and master social studies. You ll get a handle on your test anxiety practice the parts where you need extra work and prepare with two full-length practice exams. You ll also find: Brand-new practice problems updated for the latest version of the test in the book and online Refreshed information about testing procedures and mechanics Tips and tricks to help you improve the efficiency of your studying and thorough coverage of updates to the test made for 2023-2024 Yes the GED test is challenging. But with the right preparation and resources you can go into the test confident in your ability to ace every one of the math language arts science and social studies sections.

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December 5, 2024

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