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Equate Early Ovulation Test Kit 10 + 1

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Product Name
Equate Early Ovulation Test Kit 10 + 1
Product Description

The Equate Early Ovulation Test detects an increase in the luteinizing hormone ("LH surge") in urine, which usually occurs in women 24-48 hours before ovulation, the days when you are most able to become pregnant. It is easy to use in two simple steps and you can take the test any time of day. Just hold the absorbent tip downwards in your urine stream for five seconds only, return the cap, and lay the test on a flat surface. If the LH Surge line is the same color as, or darker than, the Reference Line, then you should ovulate within the next 24-36 hours. It is best to have intercourse within the next 48 hours to maximize your chances of conception. This kit contains 10 ovulation tests and one pregnancy test. For fast and easy results, choose the Equate Early Ovulation Test. Making the right health decisions can be challenging. With a complete range of products and simple solutions, Equate allows you to take care of your family with confidence.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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