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The Second Book of Soprano Solos (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Second Book of Soprano Solos (Paperback)
Product Description

(Vocal Collection). Step up to the next level with more student repertoire continuing from The First Book of Solos and The First Book of Solos Part II . The more than 30 songs in each book require a little more vocal range and musical sophistication but are still decidedly student material. Contents: Art is Calling for Me (Herbert) * Bescheidene Liebe (Wolf) * Les Cloches (Debussy) * Die Nacht (Strauss) * Down in the Forest (Ronald) * Fiocca la Neve (Cimara) * Hark! The Echoing Air (Purcell) * Hear my Prayer O Lord (Dvorak) * Love s Philosophy (Quilter) * Mein Glaubiges Herze (Bach) * Un Moto Di Gioja (Mozart) * My Heart is Like a Singing Bird (Parry) * O Divine Redeemer (Gounod) * Oh! Had I Jubal s Lyre (Handel) * A Pastoral (Veracini) * Shepherd! Thy Demeanour Vary (Brown/Wilson) * Sleep Gentle Cherub Sleep Descend (Arne) * Song of the Blackbird (Quilter) * A Spring Morning (Carey/Wilson) * The Sun Shall be no More thy Light (Greene) * The Sun Whose Rays (Sullivan) * Take O Take Those Lips Away (Beach) * These are they Which Came (Gaul) * To the Birds (Hue) * Vergebliches Standchen (Brahms) * Villanelle (Dell Acqua) * Das Verlassene Magdlein (Wolf) * Vieille Chanson (Bizet) * La Zingara (Donizetti)

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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