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The Man Who Saved The World From Smallpox : Doctor Edward Jenner (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Man Who Saved The World From Smallpox : Doctor Edward Jenner (Hardcover)
Product Description

Doctor Edward Jenner born in the early eighteenth century was the discoverer of a preventive for smallpox the greatest killer of mankind. This contagious disease destroys its victims in 10 to 14 days. Those who survive frequently are left horribly scarred or partially or completely blind. The story of Doctor Jenner and smallpox is told by guests at a dinner party at an old English home on the evening of the 180th anniversary of Doctor Jenner s death. To celebrate the occasion the individuals review his life story including his many discoveries and the trials and tribulations associated with smallpox vaccination being accepted as the way to prevent smallpox. Jenner eventually received universal acclaim. The guests at the dinner party in the process of telling the story of Doctor Jenner reveal a great deal about themselves.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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