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Hyper Tough Single Edge Razor Blades Paper Wrapped in Dispensers 10 Pack

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Product Name
Hyper Tough Single Edge Razor Blades Paper Wrapped in Dispensers 10 Pack
Product Description

The Hyper Tough Single Edge Razor Blades come in two 5-blade dispensers. These high-quality razor blades fit most standard single edge scrapers box cutters and many other tools for use on the job or at home. They are designed to be easily inserted into the tool and are suitable for all kinds of jobs. The blades are perfect for removing labels adhesive dried paint or other materials from most flat surfaces without leaving scratches or for quickly opening packages. Made of 1095C high carbon steel these durable blades are for extended use on tough scraping and cutting jobs. The full-depth blades are 0.009 thick industrial quality and have a plated steel backing. Each blade is individually paper wrapped for convenience and safety. The patented dispenser firmly holds the blades in place so they will not fall out in a toolbox or when dropped. When you have finished with one blade simply slide the next one out safely.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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