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The Billy Goat Curse (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Billy Goat Curse (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1945 the most famous curse in sports was placed on the Chicago Cubs when Bill Sianis and his goat were ejected from Wrigley Field. Though Sianis purchased two tickets for the fourth game of the World Series against Detroit the goat s stench led to the pair s ouster. The indignant Sianis allegedly cursed the Cubs promising that they d never again play in the World Series at Wrigley Field. More than six decades later the team has yet to win a pennant. There were years when fortune seemed to pluck defeat from the wings of sure victory. The book focuses on the attitudes of players and fans as well as attempts to exorcise the curse. It features photographs and interviews of former Cub players as well as a foreword by Hall of Fame shortstop Ernie Banks.

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December 12, 2024

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