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Judy Holliday Comedy Collection

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Product Name
Judy Holliday Comedy Collection
Product Description

Judy Holliday. Nightclub variety star Broadway legend and comedy genius Judy Holliday stars in five of her absolute best knee-slappers from the 50s in this huge collection. Includes THE MARRYING KIND (1952/92 min) a classic will-they-won t-they divorce farce; IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU (1954/86 min) where a spunky aspiring actress rents a billboard to advertise herself; PHFFFT! (1954/88 min) the tragic tale of a divorced duo who can t stop seeing each other while looking for new love; THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC (1956/99 min) in which a small-time businessman challenges the board of a huge corporation; and FULL OF LIFE (1956/91 min) where a baby on the way encourages a husband and wife to reach out to estranged family. B&w/NR/widescreen.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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